Customer Testimonials

5/15/2017 9:28:42 AM
Best service provider when it comes to Biometric solutions.Customer Oriented and consistent. Keep It Up Baztech...
Wilson Humanikwa
4/5/2017 8:32:35 AM
This company provides some of the Best biometric devices i have ever used.I highly recommend them.
Smith Laine
10/3/2016 7:33:06 AM
6/9/2015 11:09:23 AM
Did you know that if an employee comes in just 5 minutes late it is equal to 1% of their daily pay? Time theft can quickly add up and eat away at the bottom line. Let us show you how easy we can make it for you to be up and running with this cost-saving technology. We are the experts in designing and deploying biometric time clock systems.
3/9/2014 10:53:47 AM
a tried and tested team. please keep up the good work regarding customer service, response time systems support expertise
muguti lambert

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Baztech Incorporated (Pvt) Ltd.

12th Floor Fidelity Life Tower,
Raleigh Street,
Tel: 04 749818-749820
Cell: 0772 320 727